
July 10


Well I survived the record high heat we had in the great Ohio. It was near death. Oh my. I hate humidity, and that is being positive. No but it really wasn't that bad. We were at sites both days that they had a heat advisory out and luckily all of the buildings have modern conveniences such as air conditioner. 

 I find myself missing the Burg and just being a part of campus. I miss school. Jury Duty? Lame sauce. Tell them I am doing something far more important like saving souls.

The work here continues. We met with Moses this week. Devona seems to have walked off the face of the earth. We are meeting with Moses again tomorrow night. Sister Nelson's first lesson. I am going to have her invite him to be baptized. It will be good for her to just jump right in! Sis. Marx is getting closer to baptism. The elders in our ward had dinner with her on Friday and taught her the doctrine of Christ. She doesn't know who God is, but she says as soon as she finds out she will be baptized. Yes. Please put them on the Prayer roll. That's another thing I miss. Going to the temple. So cool story. This non-member showed up at church on Sunday. Apparently she had a falling out with her pastor and she is now looking for another church. Her brother who is a member looked up the closest one to her and told her to go. It just happened to be our ward. She is awesome. Her name is Margaret Douglas. We had dinner with a member that night and we asked if we could invite her over and they said yes. It was great. Just one of those tender mercies from the Lord. 

We have transfers tomorrow. Sister Hatch leaves then, I will get Sister Nelson and then we will go to our area after transfer lunch. She is on the plane here right now.....AHHHHHHHHH! I'm still freaking out. I don't know anything about being a missionary. So Akron is about 45 minutes away. We serve in kind of a special mission. With the call to be a VC sister our first priority is sites so there has to be at least 3 sets of sisters there everyday along with the senior couples. When our zone has Zone conference or in last weeks case Mission tours we are suppose to stay within our zone, but it's not possible for all sister's to attend so we go to the next zone meeting. The closest zone to us is the Akron or Youngstown zone (they were combined for the mission tour). We have special permission to go to these meetings. Normally our zone (Kirtland) is paired up with Cleveland zone. Make sense? Probably not. Ask me when I get home :)

I haven't driven yet. I am slightly scared I have lost all skills. 

Well. Hopefully I will have more next week. Lots of changes.

Love you,

Sister Hillman

p.s. Amish country was awesome. I'll send pics asap

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