
September 5

Dear Family,
Sorry, our week has been a little crazy. So originally we thought we would be able to email on Monday  but we ran out of time. We had what is called "Zoned Out" it is where 3 of the 6 zones get together for a pday and take a tour of the Johnson Farm/ Home and play games all day. It was a lot of fun, but I am now so tired. All zones are suppose to have their own shirts but we did shirts for our district. The zones we were with were, Findlay, Akron, and Kirtland (that's us). The other 3 zones will go on the 10. Which is so sad, all the missionaries I know are in those zones (Cleveland, Youngstown, Toledo). But yeah it was a lot of fun, and very spiritual. Ah! I have the best mission ever. Just so you know in a battle of lightning, I got out both of the Assistants and our Zone leaders, I'm still a champion!! What a great way to start the week. So sorry I didn't get the email out on said day.

It sounds like you are all keeping extremely busy. That's good. Like you said the Holidays will be here before you know it, and yes they have a Nativities exhibit, they are from all over the world and it is an exhibit for a lot of non-members to come through. can you say REFERRALS!??!!! We spend a lot of time in the chat room and call center at the VC these days. It seems to be slowing down immensely. It is kind of monotonous to be in there but we are having a lot of success spreading the gospel via technology. I am currently teaching 2 ladies who are just the best things ever. They both have accepted missionaries, and the one in Florida (Bev) is actually being taught by and Elder in my MTC district, you can imagine the shock I had when he answered the phone and said this is Elder Lee. He still sounds the same, but it's weird talking to people you know on the phone. Yes, I am probably a very awkward person now, but it's whatevs! The other one is Jane she is from Iowa, we had a delightful lesson for about 40 minutes last night about why eternal families are important and why the Book of Mormon is so central what we believe. They will both be baptize, Bev wants to marry a mormon man because she likes what she sees in Mitt Romney, everyone here loves him. Seriously we get into a lot of doors because of him. So I told her the steps she would have to take in order to find one of them :) She is a crack up!!

Mayfield is exploding with work right now. We have John's baptism on the 21, we taught him the Word of Wisdom, which he committed to live, and now we have a coffee maker in our trunk, oh joy, try explaining that to our mission president. He is so awesome, talk about a prepared soul. He asked for a calling the other day and so they are going to let him teach a gospel essentials class, and then possibly make him into a teacher after he is baptized.  We had a really cool experience the other day, and can I just say I LOVE THE PRIESTHOOD. The powers of godliness are simply powerful and amazing. A few weeks ago one of our LA's brought a friend to church, who was pregnant, her name is Racquel, we asked how she liked church, said she loved it....yada yada. We set up an appointment which she flamed. We let it go, whatevs. Well on Saturday we get a call from Jeanettea (the LA) and asked if we could find someone to come and give Racquels baby a blessing. So apparently she had her baby and that's why she flamed us, definitely excusable. It was born early and had an infection. So we called the Elders in our ward and they went to give her a blessing. They asked if we could come back and talk to her on Sunday. Which we did. Note: She is in the Cleveland Clinic, downtown Cleveland, just so you know those roads are sooooooo confusing. Thank goodness for Winston (my GPS). Long story short, she felt the spirit so strongly during the blessing, and now we are meeting with her whole family. Her mom and brothers and sisters. All of which have committed to baptism. I will tell you more of this story at Christmas so remind me. The elders said it was one of the coolest experiences ever. She is such a cute little baby. The lord is blessing us here in Mayfield. Sadly I think this is my last transfer here! Sadly Margaret is not in our area, so we haven't seen her. And yes the Marx are planning on coming next year for conference.

Transfers are on the 26, so I won't know my schedule until after that. Hopefully I will still be at sites and not sent out full proselyting until after the new year. I hope I get to see the girls. There are 8 full proselyting Sisters. I knew some of the ones that left. Elder Green and Sister Lee are the ones I was the closest too. 3 more of our senior couples leave next week, transfers is rough.

Oh my. Sorry I just rambled on about Ohio. How is everyone back home?  Wow I feel like everyone is having babies or getting married! Did I tell you that Mal Foster is having a baby, a boy I believe! So fun. I'm not going to have friends when I get home. I just found out that my trainer is getting married too. What Sophie started 1st grade? Weird. Everyone is growing up so fast. I am glad it has cooled down a bit back home, I was afraid I was going to come home to a pile of ash. Which we could sell to the Ashery! :)

I love this place. I love everyone at home. I miss you all. Can't wait to talk to you in 111 days! The gospel is still true!

Love you!

Sister Hillman

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