
September 11, 2012

Well Hello There,

Hello from the beautiful, fall looking Ohio. It is starting to be absolutely gorgeous, fall is on it's way, we had to wear long sleeve cardigans the other day. The weather is absolutely perfect.

What a week! It was packed full of appointments, meetings, and VC work! I am still talking in my sleep, yes, but no more arguments with the toilet, so that is progress! Sister Nelson seems to be doing really well. I am about 87.6% positive that I am getting transferred from Mayfield. That hurts my heart. I love this area. I can't believe Sis. Nelson is almost done training. Transfers are in 2 weeks. Hopefully I stay in a VC area, but I could definitely get sent full pros as well. Sister Nelson will be happy to have a companion that will teach her something, hopefully she learned something in training :). We don't lose any sisters this transfer so that will be nice, but we are loosing 2 senior couples, that makes my heart hurt, we said good by to one couple this morning. I shed a little tear. 

We are stoked for John's baptism, as is he. He has his baptismal interview this week so hopefully all goes well. Racquel is doing amazing, she gets out of the hospital on Friday so it will be a lot easier to teach her and she will be able to come to church. We have been down to Cleveland 3 times to see her so it's killed us on miles. East Cleveland is in our zone, that is where our district leader serve. I love downtown, we really are not down there too often. That's the most I have been since I got here. We do go down to the institute building when we have Pday with the elders though so that is fun. There is a lot to do there.

Normally on chat we just talk to them once. We can set up return appointments but normally they are not interested in learning more or agree to meet with missionaries, we have taught a couple of people online that weren't quite ready to meet with "real missionaries" ( people don't think we are real missionaries on line, little do they know). Our little Icons even have badges. We talked to a sweet girl last night who wants to be baptized so that was fun, her name is Cat, she is 17 and is from Texas. She was hilarious, and is definitely prepared for the gospel. There is so much work in our area right now, we are finding like crazy and the Lord is definitely blessing us. 

And no I don't punch elders in the arm. We are only allowed to shake hands. Except when president gives us permission to hold hands...oh my this story is funny! Remind me about it when I get home!

Oh my. I can't believe that about the accident. I know Keely. That is soo sad. How are the other girls doing? Hopefully all goes well with Bishop Anhder, they will definitely all be in my prayers. The power of prayer is amazing.

It was good of you to go and help grandma, I am sure she really appreciates it! I love them. How is aunt Kathy doing? I need to be better about writing everyone. There is just not enough time. Pday goes a little too fast for my liking. 

We have had rainstorms like crazy, especially with the hurricane. I have a video of it. I'll be sending my SD card home soon. But we had a stake service project on Saturday, nearly 1000 people showed up with their helping hands shirts. It was awesome. The park service was overwhelmed, they said the largest group they had up to this point was 50. I think we surprised them a little bit. It was a lot of fun, but it was a very wet job, we were all soaked and caked with mud.

Life is good! Thanks for everything. I can't think of anything I need at this time. I love you all! 


Sister Hillman

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