
Week Two Email-Feb 14th, 2012

Whelp it has been almost 2 weeks since I have arrived at the MTC. It is going well, it is kind of stressful and we always have to be somewhere. I am slowly getttin used to the 6:30 -10:30 thing. I actually have come to really love wearing dresses, it feels weird to wear pants on Pday. Most of my clothes are fine, I am going to take a couple of things to alterations so they are longer but for the most part they are good to go. I have seen a lot of cute outfits here, there are about 500 sisters in a group of 2300. Going to the temple is probably on of my favorite parts of the week. Today in honor of Valentines day we did sealings, but missionaries can only stand in as children. No hand holding allowed. We don't do service on pday we have a 70 minute period on Saturday that we clean the downstairs level of our building. I really like my branch, the president is really cool and constantly is telling us to be deeply obedient, my roommates don't seem to understand this. I have been dubbed the rule Natzi, but whatever more blessing for me right. There is about 40 of us in a branch and we have all three meetings but they are spread out, then we have a lot of personal study time. That is done in the classroom.

That is so sad about their dad. They are in my prayers for sure. That is what is glorious about the gospel though, this is only a see ya later.

I don't know what time I leave, I should get my travel plans today, and the rest of our schedule for what is going to happen in SLC. I just know that we get paired up with a companionship, and the teach us how to give tours, explain exhibits, and also how to use preach my gospel in the tours. I am excited to see what it entails.

It sounds like you will have a nice, long, fun trip to Ohio. She will be sooo excited to see grandpa.

So things with my companion are good. She is from Grace, Id, she is a cheerleader and hates to work out, but I get to do exchanges with another sister in my room so we can go do P90X together. I really love my district, I probably said that before but it is even truer now. I feel like I have known them forever. I am going to try to get them on film and then send you my SD card because I have no way to get pictures to you guys unless I print them off. So I will just buy a new one.

Anyway family, I love you sooooo much. Know that I am happy, a little tired, and getting fatter everyday! The spirit here is amazing and I meet people from all over the world, going to all over the world. I have learned how to say hello in Thai and Mandarin and a few other words. Thanks for your support. I hope all is well at home, know that I think of you often but am not by any means home sick. Keep asking questions and I will try to answer them in the emails, but will get to them in letters for sure. Until next week.

Love, Sister Hillman

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