
August 7

August already? Wo, wo, is me! This week just flew by. I can't believe it is already transfers next week. I think they will probably keep us together this transfer. We have a lot going on in our area and rarely do they take someone away from training, but I'll find out Sunday night what our fate is :)

It has actually been a really great week out here. It hasn't been too beastie hot. We went and did some service for a member the other day with the other Elders and Sisters in our ward. It was fun, but it was like 90's and it was only 10 a.m. we were all sweating pretty bad! It was lovely. Then we went and mowed Margaret Douglas's meadow for her. Do you remember her! I like doing service, especially in our nice yellow shirts. Stylin.

Sis. Marx is still way stoked about her baptism, hopefully we can keep her on the right path, we made her a countdown chain with something to do everyday that will help her prepare for it. She has her interview tomorrow, so hopefully I'll have more of a report tomorrow. So we got a interesting/hilarious phone call from Brother Marx the other day. They didn't make it to church because they had to take their dog to the emergency vet, so they called us and talked to us a little after. But anyway this is our conversation:

 Bro. M: Sister Hillman you will be so proud of me!

Me: Why? What did you do!?

Bro. M: Are you sitting down?

Me: Yes!

Bro. M: I blessed the Sacrament (before you get excited, remember he didn't go to church Sunday).

Me: What do you mean?

Bro. M: Well I felt bad that we didn't get to take it today, and I was like "hey wait I have the priesthood, I'll just bless it in my kitchen." So I just said the prayer in the Doctrine and Covenants and use the priesthood. 

I didn't really know how to respond. They totally tried to do their own sacrament. It was such a sweet gesture and their hearts are definitely in the right place. It is something we never even thought to explain to him. So funny. We explained that it had to be authorized and everything done in order and it seemed to make sense to him after we explained it.  I love them soo much!

The picnic last night was fun. All of the sisters got a game of Volleyball going with the CofC volunteers so that was fun. They are such a great group. I don't know how many members they have here. They only have one church building and it's not very big, so I would guess not a lot. They have missionaries that they send out as well. But I don't know much about what they believe. I am learning though. I really serve in the best, and most fun mission ever.

We went on a hike for pday today. I have a large list of things we need to do when we come back. We might need a few weeks :) 


Sister Hillman

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