
May 6, 2013

Hola! From the Great State of Ohio!
I am working on my Spanish that we may more fully help Leticia and Lazaro make the commitment and covenant of baptism. It's been an interesting journey. We talked to them on Friday about the importance of coming to church. They accepted to come. When we asked her if there was anything that we could do for them, she responded with "pray for me that I may stay active in the church and make it to my baptism date." We can do that! They are solid. President Vellinga told us he was impressed with the progress they are making despite the language barrier. Thank goodness for the spirit and it's many gifts. This week in Ohio has been a hot one and we are keeping busy. We have set really high goals this week, and we are exercising faith that we can meet them. We want to give everything to the Lord, his time is precious, and I feel as if I have been wasting it. I can't believe we are half way through the transfer. Time is messed up.

 I am excited to talk to some of you on Sunday. Yes 4:00 MDT is still the plan. We are eating dinner at our Bishops house and we will be done around 6:00 our time so be ready. I don't know an exact time. But sometime around there. I'm excited to see all of my little babies, who don't seem to be babies any more.

  We have zone conference this week so we are prepping for that. A lot of lessons to practice. President has this thing that he likes to make a companionship go up and practice it in front of everyone. It's awful. I mean I don't mind talking in front of people, or talking to a group of people on the street. But doing a lesson presentation in front of other missionaries makes me want to pee my pants. I get so nervous and then I can't remember what I'm teaching and then we slaughter it. But it will be fine. I'll just pray for the spirit!

 This week was a good one. It had it's ups and downs but it ended on a high note with Stake conference. It was sooo good! Especially the adult session on Saturday night! Whelp! Have to run! Love you all!

Love,Sister Hillman